Image credit: jellyclaws on Tumblr. Image description: A gif of the sillhouette of a vampire turning into a bat. End description.
Vampires don't all have the same powers. Instead, we all have different combinations of powers. A vampire's exact abilities depend on a lot of things, including but not limited to: the type of vampire they are, the phase of the moon when they were turned, their age, their heritage (in the case of born-vampires), and various metaphysical concepts. There are too many variables to make any sort of chart showing what controls what in terms of vampiric abilities. Believe me, I once dedicated 30 years to the project with my friend Hershal. We both nearly went crazy. Instead of making another attempt and losing what is left of my sanity, I'm simply going to explain different vampiric abilities to you. Buckle up, this is going to get weird.
That's a good question. While the specific powers a vampire possesses can come from any number of factors, all vampires have one thing in common and that's "vampiric energy." Vampiric energy flows through the... not veigns... bodies of all vampires. From mostly-human modern vampires to Count Dracula himself, vampiric energy binds us all. Vampiric energy is a supernatural substitute for "life force." Humans have a metaphysical energy to them too, it's just different from a vampire's. Being undead does things to you. Some people feel compelled to call this energy by a different name. Some call it a "soul" or "magic" while others don't believe in it at all. This energy is like the mitochondria of the vampire (and as everyone knows, the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.)
An important note: overusing powers can cause energy drain in even the strongest of vampires. Stay safe.
Another good question. Allow me to demonstrate.
I'm not telling. Yet.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha fuck you.